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                ABOUT US

                       Jiangxi rongcheng machinery manufacturing co., LTD., founded in 2000, with total assets of 860 million yuan and construction area of 160,000 square meters, is a national high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development, production and sales of core safety parts and performance parts of automobile chassis system.

                       Company under the pull rod, arm, connecting rod, metal profiles, automotive rubber, steering six factories. At present, it has formed an industrial chain for the production of automobile chassis parts. It is the only one in the industry that has a complete research and development team and the most complete experimental testing center in the industry.

                       Under the care and support of party committees and governments, rongcheng jiangxi has been transformed from a "small ball head" into a "big market", honest and law-abiding, and a star among the hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises in China's equipment manufacturing industry.

                HOT PRODUCT

                OUR ADVANTAGE


                Strong r & d team exquisite craft


                High-end processing equipment


                Perfect detection means


                Horizontal and vertical organization


                Brand new service concept

                LATEST NEWS

                On the morning of October 12, 2018, provincial party secretary liu qi, accompanied by xiao yi, vice chairman of the provincial committee of the Chinese people's political consultative conference and party secretary of fuzhou......
